100wc 19


In my 100 word story I will be talking about the time when I won a second place trophy in baseball. Our team had made it to the champion ship and we were about to walk on the field and we saw that we saw were facing Preston Wood. It was in at the end of the game and we were getting smoked. Well in the end we lost the game as the announcer announced “and the winner is the Preston Wood Lions”. but we got a nice shiny 2nd place trophy and no one can take that away from me or my team.

100WC #16

Hello, I am Matthew from the POPCS Eagle Broadcast and I will be doing the 100 word challenge. So without further delay here it is. When I first moved to Texas from Colorado I started my education in Texas at Prince of Peace Christian School, on the first day all the kids were nice and my Teacher did an amazing job welcoming me to the POP family. Each day there were always cool specials to look forward to, so school was a surprise every day. Here I am 6 years later and I am still having fun doing sports and activities with Prince of Peace.







What I Like About 6th Grade

What I like about 6th grade, is the freedom. In lower school you would always have to get in a line to go to places, but now all I have to do is walk to the place I want to go. I also like the classes I’m taking now. All in all, 6th Grade is a go!